Friday, June 28, 2019

Sew What

I forgot (!) to show some of these things that Kelly brought back for me recently from her mother's collection.  Her mom was quite the crafter and had many years to amass things that I look at again and again at the fabric store, wondering if I "really" need it (or if just wanting it is enough). This first thing I had almost convinced myself that I really needed. I even tried to make one out of cardboard, which didn't hold up very well.
What do you mean, what is it? It's a Scovill-Dritz Ezy-Hem. What it is is kind of ruler, made of metal so that you can use it with your iron. When you're hemming something, you can fold the fabric over until it meets the right marking and then iron it. Ingenious, right?

Included in the bag of things was the ezy-hem, a point turner (those always come in handy, especially when you consider that my current point turner is either a chopstick, the end of a paintbrush, or the point of my scissors), a curve used to draft sleeves and necklines, and these floss keys.
The floss keys are probably not going to be used by me as organizational tools, because when I embroider, I tend to wing it a lot (who ever would have guessed), so picking colors out beforehand is something alien to me. Instead, I have plans to use them as collage material. Won't that be awesome?

In other sewing news, I've started trying to learn how to free-motion quilt. I bought a darning foot for my machine, like, almost a year ago, but hesitated to put it on because it involves removing part of the machine that I've never messed with before. Yesterday, I decided that I was tired of straight-line quilting and that it was time to try this mess out. So that was my morning project.
I put together a couple of practice quilt sandwiches (top, batting, backing) using some leftover blocks from when I first started sewing a couple of years ago. They're a bit "Monet" in that picture (they look better from afar than they do close up).
See? Ha. I will get better with practice, I'm sure.

And this is a more recent success, a new crossbody purse made with bits of my favorite octopus fabric.
What else is going on besides sewing?

I finished another book, a novel by Ruth Reichl called Delicious! After going on about how I can't read fiction anymore, I went ahead and read a novel. (The Brain is fickle.) Next up, I'm going to read her work about her mother called For You, Mom, Finally. Her mother had, I think, bipolar personality disorder and that led to a pretty harrowing childhood for Reichl.

Let's see what else. I'm finishing up my antibiotics, which sucks. I hate these things. They've affected my digestive system in a very negative way and I'm just trying to hang on for the next couple of days until I can start to get things back to normal. (You can see why I've needed the distraction of sewing to take my mind off of this mess.)

And finally,

I had a couple of intense therapy sessions Wednesday and Thursday. I'm going through a phase right now where I can't look at the news at all without breaking down. I think about how there are children being separated from their families and held in cages without beds, soap, toothbrushes...and I just break down. I don't know how anyone doesn't. You have to be especially cold-hearted (or a republican) to think that any of this is okay. I know that the cruelty is the point, the whole point of this administration is to make anyone who isn't like them (or those foolish people who aren't like them but who align themselves with them, who voted them into office) suffer. So children, women, people of color including us brown and black people and Native Americans,  LGBTQ are all disposable to them. It hurts my heart to see people being hurt as sport, for the cruel fun of it. So talking about that took up some of my therapy time.

I'm lucky enough to have an amazing therapist right now, the Jungian, and she understands. There are a lot of us out here just holding on, biding our time until the next elections. (Though I have no faith in our electoral process anymore, since the last election was stolen. Though maybe if the voters don't get their say, the guillotines will.)

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