Friday, July 19, 2019

Start Where You Are

It's been awhile since I updated. Why? It's been a whirlwind of doctors and unpleasant things recently, so I haven't felt like writing about that stuff

But briefly: I am STILL dealing with the intestinal problems caused by the antibiotic I took last month for an infection that might not have even been an infection (more on that in a moment). I have seen a nurse practitioner, my own doctor, had a battery of tests and according to all of them, I am normal. Perfectly healthy. Only, the problem and the pain persist. So next month, I am seeing a gastroenterologist. (I'm praying that the problem corrects itself before it gets to that point because that will likely mean some kind of scoping, which I am not keen to undergo.)

Even better: My ear is still screaming at me. It settled down quite a bit after the antibiotic (which may have been because there was an infection or maybe there was some anti-inflammatory effects from the meds), but then I had to go to an audiologist who stuck crap in my ear and two days later my ear was screaming at me again. I got in on a cancellation this week to see the PA who works with an ENT who was recommended to me (otherwise I would have to wait until August or September) and he took one look and said that there is absolutely no problem with my ear, that I probably didn't have an infection, and that the pain is most likely referred pain from a TMJ problem or from a cervical spine problem. (Remember all the trouble I had with my neck and shoulder recently? Well, this could be an extension of that problem.) So I don't know how much of that to believe. Some of it makes sense and some of it doesn't. I may keep the August appointment with a different ENT for a second opinion. And I'm trying to find another dentist who specializes in TMJ care to have that evaluated. All I know is that my ear hurts near constantly and that it's getting worse and not better.

So already that's too long an explanation, isn't it? Okay. Organ recital over.

My therapist got an earful via Facetime this week. Sigh. I am so thankful for her every day. She is keeping me on an even keel and is hands-down the best therapist I've ever had.

In other news, Dave and I are house and dog sitting. The pups are mellowing out as they've gotten older. In fact, they're hardly pups anymore, as I think they're going on 8 or so years old already. They spend a lot of time sleeping, as dogs are wont to do, and a lot of time barking, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes in the middle of the day. Who knows why dogs do what they do?

In between feeding the pups lots of treats, we've used the giant washing machine and dryer next door to catch up on laundry. (Yes, we have our tiny little washer for little jobs, but it's not great for things like bedclothes, which we would have to take to a laundrymat otherwise.)

Let's see what else. Dave has been visiting Paul recently. Paul is still in the SNF and doing better. He does PT every day or nearly every day. I haven't been feeling well enough to visit, but I've been texting with Judi several times a week just to see how things are going with her. A lot of Paul's friends and family have come to visit and stay with her, which is good.  I doubt she'd be lonely, but it probably helps to keep her mind off of things. (Paul likes company and visitors, Judi less so.)

We may be heading up to Santa Fe this weekend, too, for Dave to buy a clarinet (his birthday present to himself this year). He has his clarinet now, and his guitar, and I got him a(n) harmonica for his birthday. He's a pair of knee-cymbals away from being a one-man band.

I start orientation for the new job on Monday at seven a.m., a perfectly uncivil hour. (But my shifts will generally run 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or vice versa, so I guess I'd better get used to it.)

I spent part of the morning cleaning out the closet. (Decluttering. Ugh.) There's still a ton to do, but it's a start.


Helen said...

Ooh, I'm probably too late to say I hope your first day goes well (and the day after that, and the day after that...)

I'm glad that you've found a therapist that you are happy with. I remember that it has been hard for you over the years I've been reading!

Your ear things sounds horrible. I hope there's a solution for it soon. Fingers crossed.

Have a good week...

Rosa said...

Thanks, Helen! I am actually at orientation right now. (It's a slow moment in the day.... yawn!)

I'm so ready to be healthy again, mentally and physically! Can I just go back to being a kid again? Lol.

I hope you are having a great week so far!