Thursday, September 12, 2019

Just Stuff

I work tonight. (It's 7 in the morning right now, getting close to my bedtime, but I slept a lot overnight, so I'm not sleepy right now--sigh.)

I had five days off and I didn't do too much. A bit of shopping. A bit of cleaning and organizing. A bit of sewing. A bit of journaling. A lot of Golden Girls episodes. A lot of sleeping. A lot of looking at quilting blogs on the internet. Therapy.

The Brain is trying to wrap itself around this new work schedule. My sleep is shattered--but then again, when isn't it shattered? I'm also all upside down on mealtimes, which is confusing. I think I'm eating about seven small meals a day (a day being 24 hours, since I get hungry at, like, three in the morning). My brain doesn't know when it's supposed to get hungry for breakfast--or lunch--or dinner. So I just eat something small when I get hungry. We'll see how that works.

The days are getting shorter now and somewhat cooler. It was supposed to drop into the upper 50s last night and it almost did. (That bit of news led to some joking last night with the women working at the registers at the co-op. I happened to mention it was we were checking out and one of them said that she didn't believe it, so I said she'd believe it when she had to scrape the frost off her windows that night when she left work.) The sunflowers are still blooming, though. I like being greeted by them and their resident birds and bees whenever I leave or come home.

So, yes, we're heading into autumn. Shifting seasons are always unsettling to me, even though I'm glad to put the intense heat of the summer behind. The older I get, the less able to am to handle the heat. We run the AC almost all the time during the day, just keeping things cold. Pretty soon, we'll enter that stage where it's the AC for part of the day and the heater at night. Welcome to living in the desert.

What else?

Oh! Last night Dave and I ran into someone at the co-op who we used to know. Well, mostly Dave knew her, when I was living in Japan. She worked at the studio for a long time but was gone when I got back from Japan. She had a big crush on Dave, though, and so she kept cropping up. Anyway, she's married now--poor guy--and when I saw her at the co-op, I didn't immediately recognize her. And when we left the co-op, I had two things to say to Dave: One was that she looked really haggard. Like, really in bad shape. The other was that she has always reminded me of Uncle Fester from The Addams Family. Her current haggard state doesn't improve the impression either.

I sewed a bit, as I said. I made a trio of small, round, zippered bags (when I say small, I mean small, like three or four inches in diameter) that have been all over the internet as earbud holders. (That reminds me, I need to find my earbuds so I can take them to work.) I also made a small folding wallet, also on the internet as a gift-card holder. I like those small, simple things, especially since my neck has been bugging me so I can't sit for very long periods of time. It seemed like it was getting better, so this setback is a bit disappointing, but I have to remember that the overall trend is toward getting better.

That's something, right?

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