Saturday, November 16, 2019

Catch Up


It's the middle of the night; I am awake so that I can sleep during the day and work tomorrow night. So far, I've done some meal prep (chicken breasts, a breakfast casserole, green chile stew, the sandwich I take for dinner, a salad for my usual 2:00 a.m. "lunch" tomorrow). I washed the dishes. I looked at some quilting blogs online. And so on.

One of the kids at the hospital clued me into a Netflix show called "Hello, My Twenties," which I watched an episode of earlier. It's a good show and there are two seasons of it on Netflix. Maybe I've picked my new middle-of-the-night show for when I'm working and run out of tasks. (Yes, I could read, but I often find myself in very low light settings (in the dayroom, for example, where there are often newly-admitted kids sleeping so that the staff can keep an eye on them at all times) and reading in low light doesn't mix well with my astigmatic vision, unfortunately.)

I was off last night (Dave and I went to dinner and then did some grocery shopping to top up our staples, things like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries (yes, berries in November--we're all going to hell), the no sugar and no salt sunflower seed butter I like to use for sandwiches, some veggies for salads, bananas...we didn't get a lot. Unfortunately, I impulse bought a bag of flavored popcorn--blue cheese and garlic--and then impulse ate the whole bag while I was watching the show I mentioned above. Not smart.

I need to get back to my previous eating habits, more vegetables, less sugar and carbs. And I need to start getting more exercise, as always. Now that it's cold in the night, I don't go from building to building as much as I was when it was warmer and I don't prioritize getting my usual walk in. Night before last,  after the kids had gone to bed and I was finished with my usual duties, I sat in the office most of the night and worked on the online class I had to do for work. I finished it, took the exam, got my certificate, and then five long hours stretched before me with nothing to do. It was too cold to go out and walk, but I did a bit anyway. It was too cold to stay out for long though. So I settled down and watched youtube videos and re-organized my work bag.

One of the techs had found an empty locker for me and I happened to have a lock, so I put away a few things that I had been taking back and forth to work every night. That was a relief as it made my bag much lighter.

At six in the morning, as I was starting another youtube video, a call from the unit director came over the walkie that the morning meeting was starting. (Uh. What morning meeting? Apparently, I was never put on the correct email list when I was hired four months ago and had no idea that there was a meeting scheduled that morning from six to seven a.m.) I locked my computer and went to the admit building where the meeting was being held. Luckily, I was not the last to arrive. If you thought meetings in the middle of the day were boring, you should try one at six a.m., as the last hour of a twelve and a half hour graveyard shift. Those kinds of meetings are inherently scintillating. Truly.

It's almost four a.m. now, still about five hours 'til bedtime. Maybe I'll do some sewing or make up a kit of embroidery stuff to take to work tomorrow night.

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