Sunday, March 22, 2020

Catching Up

March 22, 2020

I’m at work. It’s just after 4:00 a.m. I’m almost caffeinated enough for a change. I’ve been using melatonin to sleep during the day and it’s perfect. I use about 0.9 mg (nine drops of a liquid solution) over the course of the day and I sleep pretty well.

All the news is corona virus.  As it should be. The hospital is ending visitation for all patients in an effort to try to stem the rising tide. It’s…It looks hopeless right now, to be honest. The little offshoot hospital where I work is supposed to send patients to the main hospital to be tested for corona virus as needed. But the main hospital has so far not performed any of those tests on behalf of those patients. When you look at the state where I live, there are something like 50 confirmed cases.


Turns out if you don’t test anyone, you don’t confirm any cases.

I actually think I’ve already had it (see below, March 12). If that was it, it was mild. If that was it and it was mild, then I was very, very lucky. People my age and younger are ending up on ventilators. They might survive it—unlike elderly patients or those with comorbidities—but the burden on the hospital system is going to be immense. I don’t know if any of this is making the news—I’m fortunate enough not to have a television set so my news comes from Twitter, believe it or not. People laugh when I say that, but guess who tweets? Doctors in Italy tweet. Nurses in hot spots in the U.S. tweet. People with symptoms who can’t get tested tweet. Reporters who can’t get straight answers tweet. People who Trump fired when he kneecapped the CDC tweet. Professors of epidemiology tweet. Statiticians who are watching worldwide trends tweet. There is information out there. I don’t know if it’s making the news, but it’s coming through loud and clear.

This is the worst possible timeline. We are living it.

I’m giving myself a panic attack right now. This is not good. I’m going to stop writing.


March 6, 2020:

It’s 5:47 on Friday morning. I’m nearing the end of my shift. It has been an interesting evening. My supervisor is so angry at me that she has hardly spoken to me all night. I am 100% okay with that. It’s been nice, actually. I’m sure they’ll be trying to get rid of me soon. I’m also 100% okay with that. I’ll get the union involved if I have to and then transfer out of here. There are plenty of other places I can work.

I have been doing not much at all. No, actually I have been doing a lot of freaking out about the corona virus. Several patients have been sick in such a way that makes me think it’s already here. I’ve likely already been exposed, so we’ll see. I’ve been wiping everything down at home with anti-viral wipes. Everything that comes in the house, I mean. I’ve been leaving my shoes outside and changing out of my scrubs outside. I absolutely don’t want to expose anyone else if I’ve been exposed. It’s going to get so much worse before it gets better and it’s going to kill a lot of people.

March 12, 2020

It’s Thursday morning. I traded shifts, so I am working the Wednesday-Thursday overnight shift.

I’ve had a sore throat for several days. I’m okay as long as it doesn’t move down into my chest. I’ve also had a mild elevation in temperature (no higher than 98.3), not even enough to call it a fever, but it’s there. Could be allergies. Could be something more sinister. I’m sick of thinking about it.

On Monday, Dave and I went to the county clerk’s office and got a marriage license. We’re getting married because when Dave’s job goes away, so does our insurance. Getting a marriage license allows us to apply for insurance through my job, otherwise we would have to try to find another plan to buy or go on Cobra, which would cost around $1,000 or so a month. That’s not sustainable. So we’re getting insurance through my work. Since I am part time, we’ll have to pay 40% of the premium. It’s not going to be cheap, but it’s not going to be $1,000 month either. I’ll pick up an extra shift or so each month and that should cover us.

I’ll go home this morning and try to get some sleep so I can come back this evening. The upside of having traded my shift (at the request of a co-worker) is that I’ll get the weekend off. That was fortuitous. I’m looking forward to having the weekend off.

It rained yesterday, on and off throughout the day. It will be cloudy today (fine, I’ll be sleeping) and then is supposed to rain again in the evening, after 9:00 p.m. I’ll be at work then.


Carol said...

Wondering how you are doing. Happy Wedding!!
Stay safe, my friend

Uggh the no testing infuriates me!

Our governor is doing a damn good job with this thing - he's a Republican and even though I don't agree with a LOT of what he believes in, I can still acknowledge a good leader when I see one. Wish we could switch him for that thing in the WH (that is if we have to keep a GOP in that office)

We are now in mandatory stay-at-home with a few exceptions here in this state. As I am 60 (husband 64) I don't want to end up like some 60+ in Italy as they stopped helping those folks. I'm freaking out! I have to have surgery next week (skin cancer - basel - so not the worst) and it's still on but happening in an office not a hospital which makes me feel much calmer. I want this done as I don't want it growing unchecked.

I know of four ppl who have it - a couple a little older than me In Washington sate and another couple in their mid 50s in NYC. The NYC ones are hospitalized.

again take care, be safe! xoxo

Rosa said...

Hi Carol,

I know that most of us are going to be fine, but I still worry about the most vulnerable among us not being fine. Since Dave's job is based in NYC, we hear lots of horror stories from there and it really brings it home.

I'm glad your surgery is in an office rather than a hospital. Much safer right now. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and sending good vibes and such your way!

I suspect this is going to be a marathon rather than a sprint and those of us who grew up poor and/or with family who came through the Depression are going to have some secrets that some of these foolish young 'uns are going to need! So we gotta stay healthy, right?

Stay in and stay well! xxx&ooo!