Sunday, September 20, 2020

Blue Wave

 It's my usual Sunday night to Monday morning work shift. It's after midnight. I'm done with everything that needs to get done and now my job is to stay awake and check patients. I'm not even that tired--yet. It's still early in my shift. 

I had a rough week. I had a run of days off, which is good, but every time I looked at the news, I started to sink. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death was the final straw. So I'm staying away from the news right now. I can't believe how far and how fast this country has fallen. I'm sure Putin is looking on and laughing at all the stupid Americans who followed Russian FaceBook memes over the cliff. And who would blame him? Russians will decide the next election, too, and then we're finished. 

I watched a youtube video last night from a woman who lives in NYC. She is a historical costume and dress maker and she was down in the garment district (where I stayed the second to last time that we were in NYC). It was empty and many of the shops were closed permanently. I had to turn away for a time. I love that city and to see it's amazing to me how many people still mourn 9/11 victims but who shrug when you point out the number of people killed by Covid, which trump downplayed from the beginning, even though he admitted that he knew it was deadly. More fools following fools. I wish he'd serve the kool-aid already and get rid of them. But Jim Jones went on for twenty years before he poisoned his followers. And he only killed 918 people. trump has killed 200,000 and counting. And that is just Covid victims. That's not counting the American soldiers killed because they had Russian bounties on their heads.

And still you see trump supporters on the news. There are so many stupid people in this country. 

I'm so tired of this. 

So instead of looking at the news, I sewed. I am so close to finishing another quilt. I finished my Covid mask quilt at the beginning of the month and this coming week, I'll finish the crumb quilt, made from bits and pieces of fabric saved over the last three years or so and shades of lime and light green fabric that Dave gave me. It's a very, very green quilt. Green is my favorite color, but this thing is pushing it. When that's done, I'll start on my next quilt. Dave gave me a bunch of shades of solid (not patterned) blue fabric for my birthday, so I'm thinking of a blue wave quilt. After that, I'll start on a glow-in-the-dark quilt. I've started to collect glow-in-the-dark fabrics and I ordered glow-in-the-dark thread. I think that one will be quarter circle blocks, sewn together to make moons. Or maybe I can make a phases of the moon quilt with glow-in-the-dark moons....

I also ordered a bunch of shades of solid purple. I don't want a purple quilt, but I think purple and green go well together, so maybe I'll make another quilt, this time tempering the green with purple.

I can keep quilting. I can quilt my way through this, right? These awful days have to end sometime, right? We won't always be wearing masks and standing 6 feet apart from each other, right? I'll see NYC again, right?

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