Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 I'm up a bit late this morning. I was up in the night, from a little after one a.m. until just after four a.m. I managed to get back to sleep, but then slept in a bit. It's almost nine now and I've been up for about half an hour.

We were supposed to have had snow last night (and possibly today), but all we got was a little cold rain in the night. It's still cloudy though, so I'm holding out hope!

Yesterday was a quiet day, thankfully. I journaled and sewed in the morning and took a nap in the afternoon. We had leftover chili for lunch and then for dinner just had whatever (I had salad and cheese and crackers and Dave made cheese on toast and had that with kimchee and salad). Before bed, I watched an only okay movie (Intolerable Cruelty, the Cohen brothers movie with George Clooney and Catharine Zeta-Jones). I fell asleep listening to Nate Bargatze's comedy The Tennessee Kid on Netflix.

I texted briefly with my mother in the afternoon, which was the first time I'd heard from her in a week or so.

We did go out briefly yesterday, to mail a check to my Facetime therapist and to take a small drive in the Valley to look at spring touching the trees. It was slightly chilly out and I wore a hoodie, but I neglected to wear a pollen-related mask (we didn't go anywhere where I needed to wear a Covid mask), so I came home with my sinuses feeling like someone had packed them with concrete. I hate that feeling. (Today's pollen counts are slightly lower because of the rain, I assume, but I'm not taking anymore chances.)

I'm going to journal for a bit now as I finish my first cup of coffee. Then I'm going to get some breakfast and probably put in another grocery order for this weekend. We neglected to order many vegetables with our last order, so we're down to the long-term classics: carrots, onions, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower and a small bit of floppy Romaine lettuce and celery. We have plenty of cheese, thought, seriously. We have a big hunk of New York cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, chevre, Neufchatel, and a chunk of haloumi that I tossed in our basket on impulse during our last foray to the co-op. I'd love to live on cheese for the next few days, but even I know that's a bad idea.

I think today we should have salad and leftovers chile for lunch and make a masala channa-gobi mashup and muttar paneer for dinner. Doesn't that sound tasty?

Just to continue quilt week, here's an oldie but a goodie, a UFO (unfinished object) that has been residing in my UFO basket for a year or so:


This unfinished quilt top (hung on our big bookshelf) is made from a pack of pre-cut 5" squares in shades of green, sewn into half-square triangles at random. The houses at the top are modeled on a Jenny Doan tutorial on you tube and the trees at the bottom are Freddy Moran knock offs made from impromtu flying geese. There is one lone, barren tree made after Gwen Marston's trees in her book Minimal Quiltmaking. Where I drew up short was what kind of borders to add to make the quilt wider. Right now, it's about 24"x72" which is a ridiculous size for a quilt, let's be honest. I may add a scrappy, piano key border to it--but first I'm going to take it apart into sections, the house section, the center green fields, and the bottom trees, and quilt them individually. I'll also quilt the borders individually and then sash the whole thing together.

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