Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Short but Sweet

 Good morning! It's just after 6:00 a.m. I've been up for about an hour. I slept pretty well last night, only waking up for a brief period of time (45 min. or an hour) in the night. I was hungry when I woke up so I had a large-ish snack and then I went back to bed. 

Yesterday I pretty much did not leave the house. I did some cooking and sewing and reading (more Edith Wharton) and napping and not much else. My back is still bothering me, but at this point, it's probably more exacerbated by sendentariness than not. I need to get up and moving. I've been doing some stretches and exercises from my old PT regime, but that only seemed to make things worse, so either I'm doing them wrong or I'm trying to go to quickly and need to let things settle down before I start again. I also got a new sewing chair a week or so ago--purchased because my old one was terrible for my back--and now I wonder if the soreness isn't from sitting in a position that's *better* for me, but which my muscles aren't used to yet. (Yes, that's a thing, believe it or not!)

It's been sunny and warm for the past week or so, but yesterday it turned cloudy and tonight we're expecting rain that turns to snow by Wednesday morning. We always get snow between the first day of spring and the first day of April. It catches many gardeners out. Gardeners love to put a plant in the ground the minute the sun shines two days in a row. Then it snows. Nature's little practical joke on gardeners. 

Today I have to go out for a bit--hopefully just a little bit--and then I'm going to get some sewing done. 

What will you do today?

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