Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Spring Again

The spring winds are here again. My allergies are ramping up again. My sleep schedule is screwed up again. Every spring, the same. 

Last night I couldn't sleep so I watched the tedious adaptation of Jane Austen's Love and Friendship.

Love and Friendship stars Kate Beckinsdale who is fine as an actress but her character in this movie reminded me a bit too much of the annoying mother in Gilmore Girls, the show where talking fast was meant to pass for being clever. Beckinsdale's character's friend in the movie was played by Chloe Sevigny, who seems likeable but who cannot act. I don't know why I watched through to the end. My excuse was that it was the middle of the night and I didn't want to go through the trouble of finding something else to watch. 

When that was done, I watched Tell Me Who I Am, an awful but fascinating documentary about twin brothers, one of whom was in a motorcycle accident that completely erased his memory.  His twin starts to teach him everything again, only he leaves out some pretty important parts of their lives prior to the accident. The story unfolds with about thirty-five years of well-meaning lies and half-truths and is really sad. In the end, the truth comes out of course. I think it's worth watching, but it is kind of harrowing.

When that finished, I still could not sleep so I ended up taking some melatonin. That was around 4:00 a.m. and then I slept through the morning and early afternoon. I haven't been outside yet today. (I can hear the winds blowing though.)

So what have I done since I got up today? I had some leftover green chile stew and small quesadillas made with corn tortillas for lunch. Then I ordered a few groceries to be delivered from Whole Foods because Jeff Bezos is not rich enough yet so we all have to keep doing our parts. That's pretty much it!

When I sign off here, I'm going to journal a bit then probably take a shower and change into a fresh pair of house clothes/pajamas. That seems like a full day, right?

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