Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Faking It

 It was a medical day yesterday, PT and then a visit to the NP.  I feel okay this morning though, which is a welcome change from how I've been feeling the last several days. 

I slept a lot over the last couple of days, which might be why I'm feeling a bit better. Allergies are still kicking my ass, making me feel fatigued. My sinuses feel like they're packed with concrete. When I go outside for more than a few minutes, I get itchy. I had to go out and come back in so many times yesterday (first for PT then later for the NP visit) that I ended up taking a shower in the morning, another after PT, then a third after the NP visit. My skin feels kind of papery right now, despite prodigious moisturizing. When I was younger, I had such amazingly oily skin that I thought it was a problem. Imagine! I'd take my former oily skin back any day now.

What else? I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety over the last several days. Despite the pollen and my allergies, being outside helps and to that end, we stopped at the plant nursery yesterday and bought a few plants to put around the patio. I've also been journaling and drawing and getting a bit of exercise, all of which do help. But this is just an awful time of year, psychologically and physically.  I'm trying to be very Kurt Vonnegut "So it goes" about the whole thing. But that's not very easy, is it? It's a very "fake it 'til you make it moment."

So I'm up now, faking it. I'm having a cup of decaf coffee. I just finished eating some smashed avocado and sliced tomatoes on Wasa crackers. (Earlier, I woke up hungry and had some yogurt and strawberries.) Before that, I did a short, very low impact workout video on youtube. 

Like I said, faking it.

There are a few things to look forward to in the next week or so. We have tickets to see an exhibit of art by Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and other Mexican modernists. That should be interesting. Also at the museum are works by Jose Guadalupe Pasado and Louis Jimenez, both of whom I also like. In the past, I have not infrequently come to a difference of opinion about Louis Jimenez's work with others. I really, really like his stuff, it's very raw and colorful and larger than life in exactly the same way that life is. I'm always thrilled to encounter his work, so it will be nice to see it again.

I have some new fabrics to play with, They came a few weeks ago, but I haven't really had time to sit and work with them at all. I need to wash them first; they're custom printed, so they tend to be fairly stiff and to shrink when washed and I want to get that out of the way now rather than later. I also want to make some new masks. The ones I made last year around this time and looking a bit tired. I think some new spring and summer masks (to wear over our KF94s) would be nice. I have another fabric that I ordered before Christmas that I'd like to make a mask out of; it's an acid green pattern over printed with "Feminist Killjoy" in hot pink. My kind of look.

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