Thursday, April 8, 2021

Veg More

 I'm slowly starting to come out of my recent funk. My back and neck are feeling better even. I have appointments for physical therapy this coming week and I've even started back on some exercise (following walking videos on youtube and a short time on the stationary bike) in a limited way. 

Allergies are still tanking my energy levels, but I'm staying afloat. Somehow, I stay afloat. 

I'm not sleeping well--staying up all night and sleeping throughout the early part of the day--but today, I started trying to change that a bit. Instead of going to bed at eight in the morning and sleeping until two in the afternoon, I went to bed around five a.m. and slept until eleven. I've been up since then. Dazed but awake.

I even went outside for a bit around noon. I didn't last super long (I'm so sun sensitive these days), but it was nice to sit outside for a bit. I need to start getting out a little earlier and later in the day so that I can get a bit of nature. Dave has started planting seeds in the garden and I would like to go to the plant nursery and pick out some outside plants to put in pots on the patio (alliteration!). Dave did a big clean up on the garden and patio (I helped in a very limited way) and so it will be nice to sit out there now. (I want to get a couple of new chairs and a table for the patio as we only have one chair and our table is a bit dilapidated.)

After I came inside and had some breakfast, I spent a minute or two straightening up and sweeping just inside the front door. I need to really commit to decluttering, but I'm just not up to it right now. I'm still getting rid of things in a limited way, though. Slowly but surely. I put away some of the art supplies that I pulled out but didn't really use

I need to dust. Dusting clutter is not fun.

I texted a couple of people I used to work with, just checking, making sure I can still use them as references when I finally start to apply for jobs. (I'm procrastinating like crazy because there is still a pandemic on and I'm not particularly relishing the idea of going back to face-to-face patient care.)

That's about it.

Dinner tonight is calabacitas and taco salads probably. We have a couple of avocados that we need to use up and we both need more veggies in our life. 

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