Thursday, June 10, 2021

Not Feeling Much

 The air quality continues to be garbage, classified as "unhealthy" by the health department based on the smoke from the wildfires in Arizona. I guess compared to, say, big cities in China (where air pollution contributes to an estimated 1.4 million premature deaths per year), it is okay, but let's be real, it's not great right now. Beautiful sunsets though, what with all the pollution.

I'm still upside down, sleepwise. I thought it was trending toward righting itself, but lol, no. My sleep is still messed up. I've been listening to episodes of Monk as I sleep. I kind of like the show (enough to keep it on in the background) and there are interesting guest spots. Willie Nelson made an appearance as himself in an episode where he was accused of murder. Amy Sedaris (who I think is strange and hilarious) appears as the sibling of one of the main characters. In her big episode to date, she is accused of murder. Andrew McCarthy appears as a murderer. Gary Marshall guest stars (not as a murderer, believe it or not). Adam Arkin (murderer), Alfred Molina (murderer), even Snoop Dog (who knows, but probably murderer) shows up. I mean, that's a prime 90s/00s lineup right there. Those would have been big gets on The Love Boat or Fantasy Island, once upon a time.

This morning I got up and worked on some embroidery, finishing the doves and flowers I was working on yesterday. (The flowers and vines were tedious.) When I was done, I sketched a layout for my grandmother's quilt. I think it will be a wall hanging rather than a bed quilt, simply because too much handwork has gone into it for it to be as robust as it needs to be to weather everyday use. 

Today's plan includes a visit to the physical therapist. I don't want to go, but it is doing me some good, so I will go. I also need to mail a check to my therapist for my last session. And figure out dinner plans. I have been craving sushi, but I'm going to wait and order some sushi tomorrow night with an order from the dim sum place that shares a space with the local sushi bar. What that means is that we have to figure out what to have for dinner. We have lots of veg, so maybe a stir fry with tofu or a big salad. Something easy. I am still not feeling much like cooking. 

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