Friday, June 11, 2021


I had physical therapy yesterday in the afternoon (normally I go in the morning) and it did me some good. Overall, I'm feeling a lot better since starting PT, but that doesn't mean that I enjoy going. (I've become such a hermit over the last six months or so that going seems like such a hassle.) I also took advantage of being out of the house to mail a check to my therapist and to stop by the Co-op and get soymilk and a few other things. People are already going back to not wearing masks in public, though I only saw one person in the co-op without a mask. I think I will just continue to wear my mask forever since I no longer trust anyone. (Not that I ever did anyway, but I know there are a lot of people out there not wearing masks who are not vaccinated.)

I came home after running my errands and, since I was already awake, tried to force myself to just stay up the rest of the day. I almost managed, but ended up falling alseep in the late afternoon. I ended up sleeping until about 4:00 a.m. (not continuously, of course)--but then this morning I fell asleep again around 9:30 or so and slept until 1:30 in the afternoon (!!). What's up with that?! I just feel fatigued all the time these days. 

I got up for awhile in the late evening to have some salad and cold tofu for dinner. Dave made the salad so I didn't end up cooking anything yesterday after all. Tonight we're planning on takeout dim sum and sushi for dinner. I've been looking forward to it all day!

I haven't started any new embroidery since finishing the doves, but I think now that I'm going to move on to some sewing. I am going to work on my red and white quilt perhaps, since it's been in pieces in a plastic box for awhile now. I also want to sew up some loose-fitting cotton pants for summer, but I really don't have anyplace to lay out the pattern to cut it out. (The hazards of living in a small space.) I guess I could lay it out on the bed--I've done that before--but it's a pain and not great for my back and neck to lean over for so long to do that. 

I'm such a crybaby, I know!

Ugh. I just stepped out onto the patio with Dave. It's only 87F, and already too hot and sunny for me out there! It's supposed to cross over into the 100s this weekend and I am not looking forward to that. I'm going to melt this summer, I know it.  

Edited to add a photo of our first sunflower of the season. Look at that beauty. She bloomed about a week ago and is already fading, but the buds that you can see around her are already blooming. I love sunflowers, don't you?

Okay, well, that's my brief update.

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