Thursday, August 19, 2021

Enough for Today

This is not the praying mantis on the hummingbird feeder; that praying mantis is green (and it's still there a day later). Dave found this pale tan praying mantis is in the Mexican trumpet vine on the other side of the patio. We went all summer without seeing a praying mantis and suddenly two come on the same day for a visit.

Today is a busy day, starting with a Zoom meeting with a dermatologist. Then I have to go to my PCP's office. Then I have therapy. Then we're going to help Judi this evening. Somewhere in there all the usual stuff has to get done. And I didn't get enough sleep last night, so I'd like a nap, please. I'd like a nice long nap in the middle of all that.

Last night's vegan dinner was a hodgepodge, kinda. Vegan "cheeseburgers" again, with all the fixings. Dave put kimchee and mustard on his in addition to the usual mayo, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, and onion. I am out of mushrooms, so I settled for a big slice of onion and some pickle relish along with the usual. I also sauteed some spinach with garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce and lemon juice and we had that as a side along with some of the remaining cowboy caviar and tortilla chips. Later, we both had snacks. Dave had toast with butter and his homemade blueberry/apple/strawberry jam and I had some leftover refried beans with tortilla chips and Triscuits with sunflower butter and Dave's jam. Dinners are filling, but they are mostly vegetables (I guess with a vegan diet, it's pretty much all vegetables) so we're often hungry again around bedtime. 

Okay, that's enough screen time for today.

I'll see you all in the next exciting installment.

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