Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Short and Sweet Again

 So tired again this morning. Juniper and ragweed pollen are kicking my ass. Well, that and five hours of sleep last night. The decaf soy lattes--three of them so far this morning--are not cutting it. What next? A nap? Maybe a nap. Ugh, so tired.

I finished my third and a half Bill Bryson book (read One Summer, quit halfway through The Lost Continent, read At Home, read In a Sunburned Country). Thinking about ordering his other books, used of course. Ain't nobody paying full price for that stuff. While deciding that, I started a novel by Sayuri Ueda called The Cage of Zeus.

This blog entry brought to you by the letter K.

Our vegan dinner last night was burrito bowls: Refried beans, calabacitas with a ton of hot green chile added, and bulgur made in a Spanish rice-like concoction (bulgur because with beans, the wheat makes a complete protein). I also added some tofu-based sour "cream" and chopped tomatoes and red cabbage for color. It was very filling and had lots of fiber. 

Not sure what I'll make for dinner tonight, although I'm thinking in the direction of a stir fry with tofu. We'll see. I could also make vegan pizza. We also have a vegan frozen pizza base made with chickpeas and the fake mozzarella. It's more of a vegetable-heavy flatbread than a pizza, but it is still tasty.

Dave just opened the front door to take out the trash and I spied a praying mantis on the hummingbird feeder just outside the door. It's the first one either of us has seen this year. Dave says it's eating a bee. 

One year, we had a praying mantis lay eggs in the yard and when they hatched, there were tiny, little, perfectly formed praying mantis babies running around everywhere. I love those things. I got bit by one once. And I had one as a pet as a child.

That's my story today. 

Have a great day and stay safe out there.

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