Five days since my last update and I am just not feeling it these days. There is no amount of coffee (decaf, with soy milk) that gets me going. I'm still eating my vegan diet, although I did break down and have raw tuna on soba last week and then a dorayaki with custard and cream. Then it was back to eating vegan. Because my GI system has been out of whack for weeks (seriously, going on eight weeks), I've been sticking to a lot of boring but easy to digest stuff. Last night's dinner was a bit of tofu, half a baked potato, and some sauteed zucchini and mushrooms. Boring.
I'm still reading. I finished David Sedaris's diaries (Theft by Finding) and then read his book of essays called Me Talk Pretty One Day (so named because he began to study French in his forties). In between those two, I read a Dave Barry book about Japan. I used to find Dave Barry pretty funny, but that was then. Now I find about fifteen percent of his writing funny and the rest just kind of tedious, like someone straining for a joke in a really unfunny way kind of tedious. Now I'm casting about for what to read next. I've got three possibilities and have started on two:
A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard Based on Her Diary 1785--1812 by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I skimmed through the overly long boring introduction and started with the first chapter, but...I don't know if I'll continue or not.
Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. This gets a lot of positive attention from a certain kind of woman, but I'm probably not that kind of woman. To me, it reads like the novelization of a Hallmark greeting card. I'm thirty-nine pages in and waiting for something to be worth reading. Maybe I'll just donate this one.
A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway is almost always worth reading, which is why I have put this one behind the others. I know if either of the other two doesn't work out, I can always fall back to this.
Aside from reading, I'm four days behind on my 365 quilt squares. I did that sleep study on the 7th and for some reason when I tried to make a square out of it, I just...felt deeply unmotivated. I keep a list of things I want to put on the squares, but I just haven't done them.
What else? We went to Costco day before yesterday and ordered glasses. We really went to get glasses for my brother, but turns out his prescription had expired and Costco wouldn't make glasses using an expired prescription, so Dave and I ordered some and then we did a bit of grocery shopping and came home.
It's a holiday today, the holiday formerly known as Columbus Day, now transitioning to Indigenous People Day. Good. So Dave has the day off. His sister and father are in town, staying with his mother, and he went and spent most of the day with them yesterday and will go back there tonight for dinner.
I'll stay home and read some Hemingway.
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