Thursday, October 7, 2021

Quick Update

 We went to the studio last night. Dave trimmed bowls and I worked a bit on my sculpture. We haven't been there in two weeks, but I must have wrapped things up too well, because it was still too malleable to work on the next stage. So I did what I could and then wrapped it up a little less well.

While we were there, Judi and Crunch came out to talk. Judi is still sick, the doctor thinks it's a bad cold. She had nothing to say to my point that if you can catch a bad cold, you can catch Covid. And Covid is easier to catch than a cold. People continue to act as though being vaccinated makes them bulletproof, but nothing could be further from the truth. You can still get Covid and get very sick from it, but it's unlikely that you will need hospitalization and your chances of dying from Covid are close to zero. 

I've been reading. I'm making my way through Theft by Finding (Diaries 1977-2002) by David Sedaris. I like it, but twenty-plus years of (even curated) diary entries is a lot. That's a lot of one person to take in. So I end up just reading in chunks here and there. I have a bunch of new (to me) stuff from thriftbooks online, including A Moveable Feast by Hemingway. I actually had a copy for years but never read it, mostly because I stole that copy when I was in my late teens and then felt guilty every time I picked it up. I finally gave it away because there was no point in living with the guilt I felt every time I saw it. 

What else has been going on in our lives? Not much. I have to go in a couple of hours to pick up some equipment to do an at-home sleep study tonight. (I'll return the equipment tomorrow.) That should be fun.

It's chilly out this morning. I have no idea where my hoodie is, either. Probably out in the car. I have to get in the shower soon, so I'll make this short.

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