Saturday, May 7, 2022

Down For Now

I've been making some collage cards using a book I bought (Things to Cut Out and Collage) and a few old issues of National Geographic that we've had for about a decade.

 This is not a collage card, this is Gray Kitty, making a nuisance of himself and getting grumpy when I try to move him off my spot on the bed.

He likes to pretend that he doesn't understand what I'm saying to him. (He understands a lot. He knows his name, of course. He understands "treat," "play," "outside," "no," and a few other things.) He's not doing it here, but it cracks me up when he pretends to be asleep so that he doesn't have to do what we're asking him to do. His ears usually give him away though, swiveling all around to listen even while he keeps his eyes shut tight.

These are more collage cards in the making.

We are down for the count after our booster shots yesterday. Dave is worse off than I am. We both have headaches and swollen lymph nodes. I have a slight fever, but Dave has a fever and chills. He took Tylenol, but I don't like to take anything so I didn't. Instead, I've been focusing on getting a lot of rest and staying hydrated. 

I tried reading, but my brain wasn't cooperating, so I've just been watching youtube videos and old episodes of The Jeffersons on Amazon and listening to episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix. I sat up to have a cup of decaf coffee and work on a couple of cards, but only for a bit. Now I'm headed back to bed.


Kelly said...

Hope you both feel better soon, love the cards you made! 😊

Rosa said...

Aw, thanks! :D