Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Lots of Food Talk

The fall days have been beautiful but too short. It's dark by 5:00 p.m. and after the sun goes down and the temperature drops for the night, it's hard to get out of the house to get anything done.  Easier to stay in and veg.

Gray Kitty continues to sleep on my sewing chair. He sometimes sleeps on his face, curled up into a little ball. I don't think he's been well recently so he's going to have to go to the vet. He's getting old, poor kitty, but I want him to stay in good health.

That coupon came in a mailed pack of coupons for all kinds of businesses, everything from Sam's Club to lawncare companies. But this is a first. I've never seen a coupon for a marijuana dispensary. Six bucks for a gram of marijuana and less than $100 for an ounce. My marijuana days are long, long behind me, but lots of people will be using this coupon, I'm sure.
I took that photo while I was waiting for my eye exam. I have a really good optometrist. The one I had before her was even better, but he retired. 
Here's the part where I write about food:
Today I spent a fair bit of time decluttering and shredding old paperwork. It takes a long time to sort through papers that have piled up. (I guess they pile up because it's hard to make a decision about them.) While I sorted and shredded, I listened to some youtube videos about French cheese and how to cut them and how to assemble a cheese plate. I was telling Dave that I watched a video about the ten French cheeses you should know and I, a dedicated cheese lover, only knew five of the ten. We are adventurous cheese eaters, too! I've hardly ever met a cheese I didn't like (bierkase or smoked cheeses being the exceptions). How is it that we've missed out on so much amazing cheese. Anyway, we'll have to rectify that.
How's my diet going, you ask? Hmmm. Okay, I guess. I've dropped about 15 pounds but it is slow going. Maybe I need to stop watching cheese videos. Because if anything slows down weight loss, it's those damned cheese videos.

Anyway for dinner, I made a Japanese-style curry. It's the third time I've attempted a Japanese curry and I think it came out pretty well this time. (We won't talk about the first time though it was much improved the second time.) I used a Madras curry powder, garam masala, and amchoor. Most Indians I think would recoil in horror at what else goes into a Japanese curry: ketchup, soy sauce, Tonkatsu sauce, fish- and seaweed-flavored dashi broth powder, grated apple, tofu. But it is very tasty. I made extra because like a lot of curries or stewed things, it's usually better the next day. 

The homestyle Japanese restaurant where we used to go for curry and tonkatsu and ramen survived the initial pandemic craziness but then closed up shop not too long after. The mother (who was from Japan) started the place and when she retired, her son (half-Japanese, half-American) took over and ran it for a long time with his wife (who was from New Zealand). I suspect they have gone back to her homeland. It sucks. They made really good food. There are still a few Japanese restaurants around, mostly not-very-good sushi made by Koreans. Not that Koreans can't make good sushi, but in this town, they just kind of don't. There's a handful of ramen places around, too. Fifteen dollar or eighteen dollar bowls of ramen that are also only okay. Sigh.


Kelly said...

I hear you on the Japanese restaurants. Most of the good ones here in Perth closed down during the pandemic. Now most of them are run by Chinese and Koreans and they just don't make it the same!

Rosa said...

We are sorely lacking in homestyle Japanese cooking here. I really miss things like tonkatsu and ten-don. My husband really misses their curry. So you cook a lot of Japanese style foods at home? (I'm not very good at it but I do try sometimes! )