Tuesday, November 21, 2023

That's All

 It was kind of an eventful weekend. 

On Friday, my mom and aunt came out for lunch to celebrate my mom's birthday. She wanted pizza, so we got takeout pizza, but I made a salad and chocolate chip pecan cookies and oatmeal butterscotch pecan cookies for dessert (since my mom didn't want a cake). We had a good time eating and chatting.

Saturday, Dave went with my brother to pick up groceries and after we went out for a long drive in the rain (rain!).  When we got home, Dave went off to visit with his sister who was in town for the weekend.

It rained more over the weekend. 

Sunday in the rain, we went to start clearing out our studio at Judi's place. It turned into an emotional day for me because I'm sad that Judi is leaving. I have a horrible feeling, given her age, that we will never see her again in person once she moves. We can call and text, but it's not the same. I feel so guilty that since we've moved and it's almost an hour to get to her house, we haven't seen her much this past year. Though she would never admit it, I know she was lonely after Paul died--and the thickest part of the pandemic did nothing to help--and I'm sorry that we--I--didn't do enough to fill the gap. Ah, it's so sad. I'm sad now just thinking about it.

I called and talked to her on Monday (more rain, hail) to let her know that we will be coming out later this week to do more in the studio and she says that she is excited about moving. That's good. I think to get well into to your 80s and still have adventures ahead is a good lesson. There is so much more to life than we think there is. 

Makes me feel like I need to get busy.

Speaking of getting busy, my mom and brother are coming out for Thanksgiving. I also invited my aunt, but I suspect she wants to stay home in her pajamas and veg. I understand that feeling, so even though I'm disappointed that she won't be joining us, I get it. I'm planning on making roast chickens (since I don't like turkey and Dave is a vegetarian and my brother doesn't care) for the meat eaters, baked mac and cheese as a main dish for Dave (and a side for everyone else), dressing, sweet potato casserole, and salad. My mom will bring mashed potatoes and gravy and possibly another vegetable side dish. My brother is bringing pies for dessert. I might try to talk Dave into making some rolls. 

Today, no rain. We got a grocery delivery a bit ago and this afternoon I'm going to prep the sweet potato casserole--or maybe I'll do it tomorrow. I'm not sure. I didn't sleep last night so my brain feels like it's filled with concrete. (I took the sweet potatoes out of the fridge and then I thought I need to clean house a bit and so I started in the front room and then wandered away from what I was doing to come into my sewing room and write this then the grocery delivery came so I went to help put everything away then I saw that I needed to finish what I was doing in the front room and take out stuff from the freezer for dinner later and then I came back in here to write this.) I'm tired. And we're supposed to go tonight to do a little more work on the studio. (I need to remember to take boxes and contractor garbage bags if we have any which we may not.)

That's all I've got today.

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