Sunday, November 12, 2023


What did we get up to today?

It was a beautiful afternoon. 

I wore "hard clothes" today, what our friends call non-elastic waistband pants and shoes with laces. I wore jeans and the Dr. Martens boots I bought the last time we were in New York City.

We drove along Rio Grande hoping to spot some cranes and did, a tiny group of eleven, about half of them looking very juvenile. They're such beautiful birds. I'll be heartbroken when they go extinct. 

After, we had a longer drive and stopped for burgers for dinner.  After dinner, we went by Trader Joe's and came home with too many snacks and treats. Of course we wear our KF94 (the equivalent of N95) masks everywhere we encounter other people, indoors or out, but there was a man in TJs wearing an elastomeric respirator. (I want one. I'm so paranoid about Covid--any virus really. Dave's mother is getting over her bout with Covid and it has been really stressful.) There were maybe three other people wearing masks, two of them employees.

At home, we watched this week's episode of Great British Baking Show and ate a few snacks. I made golden milk (our new nightly drink) and washed the humidifier on my at-home oxygen concentrator. (I just set it out to air dry a few minutes ago.)

Tomorrow our plans are to visit the museum with Kelly and then to go by the studio. Judi will be moving to Florida in the coming months so we'll have to clean out the studio space we've been using at her house. 

I'm tired already.


Kentucky Lady said...

Sounds like a lovely drive. I just recovered from my 2nd bout of covid. Not nearly as bad as the first, most just flu like aches. Have no idea where I came in contact. Leaving for Japan in 3 weeks. I'll wear masks in the airport and on plane.

Take care.

Rosa said...

Ugh! I'm sorry you were sick but glad you're feeling better. Was reading that the elastomeric masks are more comfortable and easier to breathe through than the N95s, so some swear by them for air travel. They are scarier looking but maybe that's a good thing. Also, some tsa agents want to hand inspect them so ppl suggest wearing an N95 through security then swapping to elastomeric. Stay safe!