Monday, June 10, 2024

Chutes and Ladders

 It's been a long time since I posted anything. I've been in the usual late spring trough, white knuckling mental health. I started back up with exercise, over did it on day one and was out of commission for three days with soreness. So I went back today, at half of what I did last time. I'll have to work my way back up I guess. How quickly we slide down that ladder.

My sleep schedule is turned around. I'm staying up all night and sleeping through the first part of the day. Not great when I have some doctors' appointments coming up. (Tomorrow the dermatologist for the yearly skin check and this Friday at the sleep center. I had a sleep study done at the end of May and will get my results then.)

It's been raining for the last 24 hours or so. My head does strange things in this weather. I've felt dizzy and off while the storm rolled in and now, too. Dizziness is my new normal. I think some of it is from this shifting atmospheric pressure, some from blood pressure and heart rate, some from peri/menopause, some from anxiety, maybe shoulder impingement or cervical spine issues, too. 

I've been sewing. I got a new sewing machine, a Janome JW8100. I bought it because it came with an extension table and a walking foot. I also bought it because my mom's old Kenmore needs to go in for repairs and my old Janome, too. The old Janome still sews, but there's something off about the bobbin tension that I wasn't able to fix myself. The Kenmore is nonfunctional pretty much. I suspect something with the electronic panel. 

But I've been using the new Janome to sew bordered crumb blocks. I'm using up some solid fabrics that I was kind of ho-hum about: a bronzy green and an orangey gold color and I'm contemplating adding a dark caramel tan to it. Turns out these dull colors are not my favorites, so I'm using them up on this utility quilt. (I have a bunch of other projects to finish, but I keep starting new ones.) Just off the top of my head, I have two quilts that need to be quilted, one that's quilted but needs to be backed and bound, and several other things stuffed half-done into drawers in my sewing area. 

While I've been sewing, I've been watching crappy films on Netflix. I watched Anyone But You yesterday. Today I started watching Hit Man. It's getting good reviews, but I don't like it much. I quit halfway through then couldn't find anything else to watch, so I went back to it. It's not a very high quality movie. I've seen better put together episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

Aside from all that stuff, my anxiety is through the roof and that triggers a lot of health concerns. My brain tells me that I am dizzy and feeling weak (dehydration?) because I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke. That's old stuff, classic. My new stuff is that I've got or am going to get flesh eating bacteria.  I tried doing some meditation this morning to see if it would help and it did barely dent it, but that's it.

That's it.


Helen said...

Hurray for new sewing machines. Every time I think about getting one, I wonder a)where would I put it? b) where would I put the material I would sew? and c) where would I cut things out?

I'm sad to hear about Hitman. I thought it sounded fun. I don't have Netflix so I hope it'll hit up a theater near me first.

Feeling dizzy isn't good. I hope that you can work through this and start feeling better soon. We're currently under quite a lot of heat, and the Japanese news keeps telling us to hydrate and beware of heatstroke. Our bedroom was 29℃ (84F) this afternoon which is getting to the max of what I can handle. I've been drinking sports drinks when I make dinner and it seems to help.

Take care of yourself....

Rosa said...

Hi Helen,

Sewing machines are great fun. I used to, in our tiny old place, unpack and pack up my sewing machine each time I used it (on one corner of the kitchen table) and all my supplies fit into a small box. I ironed on the kitchen counter and I made small things at first but if I had to, I'd cut out things on the bed (not very accurately of course, but still). I will say it didn't stay that way for long! Now my stuff takes up half of a large room and I have four sewing machines and a cutting table, two sewing desks, three irons, two big cabinets for fabric and sewing supplies...but just so you know, it really is possible to (start) small! Lol!

I stuck with Hitman and it did get better toward the end. Plus, Glen Powell is very easy on the eyes, so that helped! I would recommend it after all, even if I didn't like the beginning.

I can't imagine a Japanese summer right now with the heat and the humidity. And cooking in a hot kitchen? Nope. Everyone would be eating cold sandwiches or something easy.

I'm glad you stopped by. Your blog is one of my regular internet stops, so I keep up with your adventures. Stay cool and feed everyone conbini bentos! Lol