Monday, July 22, 2024

Random, Disjointed

Some (random and disjointed) photos and words from the last week and prior:

These are recent blocks (Old Italian) made from a couple of 10" packs of fabric I had laying around. I made this set of eight blocks into a table runner. I have another set of sixty-three blocks that I will eventually sew into a quilt top.

Last Tuesday night, I scratched the cornea of my right eye (drying my face with a towel after my shower). I didn't know I had scratched my cornea, I thought from the pain and the feeling of gravel in my eye that it might be a stye or something else. The next day it was still painful, so I went to the eye doctor and had an examination, found out what was wrong, and got some antibiotic eye drops. I was told to use preservative free artificial tears hourly and to use an ointment in my eye at bedtime. The antibiotic eye drops turned out to have a preservative that I have a sensitivity to, so I had to get some new antibiotic eye drops. The new drops caused so much eye pain that I called the doctor's office and was told to discontinue using them and to just use the ointment and artificial tears. So I did. Today, I went back to have my eye examined to make sure it was healed. It is, but the doctor suggested I continue using the artificial tears, so I'll do that. 

Anyway, my advice to you is to avoid scratching your cornea. It's very painful.

Speaking of painful, this is a photo from my last dental cleaning. That was done a couple of weeks before my dental surgery, so this is kind of an old photo.

Over the course of the last week, we met up with Judi for dinner. Judi can't admit that she wishes she hadn't moved away, but she did say that she misses Paul, her friends, and her house in that order. On the good side, she has a new dog and she really loves him and it occupies her time and energy to take care of him. She seems frailer than when she left, but that could just be that she was in town to see all of her many doctors and she had been to the dentist and another doctor the day we went to see her. 

We also met with Kelly for lunch. It was nice to see her since it's been months since we've done anything besides text. She has done some traveling since we last met up and she had travel adventure stories and gifts. The afternoon was only marred by my swallowing a fish bone that caught in my throat. That was not fun, but after eating bread, coughing, drinking a fizzy drink, and coughing some more, it dislodged by the time we got home.

This photograph is of the apricots in our tree in the backyard. It's hard to see, but just above the apricot on the left is a little bird who was having an apricot for his lunch. I took that picture sitting at my sewing desk, several weeks ago. I'm sitting there now and from this spot, I can see a hummingbird at the feeder and some bees on Dave's plants. We have about five hummingbirds that come to our three feeders regularly, so we keep them topped up. (I make the food and Dave changes out the feeders.)

Gray Kitty "hides" under the bed, but he often forgets to pull his tail under with him. (Just above him is another quilt top, crumb blocks bordered by gold, green, and bronze fabric. It needs to be sandwiched and quilted.) I took that photo to send to Dave, who was all the way across the house. 

On Sunday, my mother and brother came out to our house for lunch. We sat outside and chatted and watched the hummingbirds come to the feeders. We ordered pizza and subs and I made a salad. My brother had sent a cake the day before. (Unfortunately, the store substituted a not-very-good cake for the better one my brother had ordered.) I had my mother listen to my lungs and she thinks I should continue using the incentive spirometer daily because she could hear some slight congestion on the affected side.

This is a view through the pocket microscope that I gave Dave for his birthday. I forget what was at the other end of the microscope.

Since I had to spend some time laying with my eyes closed over the last week, I ended up listening to Bridgerton (yet again) as well as many, many episodes of Matlock. That show seems like it was designed  specifically to fill in the afternoon hours between The Price Is Right and the early local news.

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