Saturday, September 21, 2024


Some random photographs from my phone's gallery:

A six-by-six inch square of fabric with a crow printed on it. I have no idea what I'm going to use it for, but I liked it, so I bought it. Maybe I'll put in in a journal cover.
The stitch settings on my sewing machine. I took that photo so I wouldn't forget them when I turned off the machine, but a week later, I can't remember what or why I was using those stitch settings.

These cute frogs on some flannel that I wanted to use in one of the recent baby quilts didn't quite fit in, so they'll go back on the shelf to wait for another quilt that needs them.

This very zoomed in photo of a little chipmunk sitting in the cracked birdbath, stuffing her/his cheeks with birdseed. S/he did not know that the identical birdbath nearby holds water (unlike the cracked one) so it got a bit of a soaking when it leaped from one to the other looking for more birdseed. (It was warm and sunny out, so I'm sure s/he dried off quickly!)

The chipmunks and squirrels still come around. They've stripped the fruit trees of all the fruit (plum, peach, apple, jujube) and routinely empty the bird feeders that are close to the ground. I don't mind. I like watching them visit the courtyard and patio, along with the hummingbirds, lizards, bees, and other critters. 

I have not been feeling well these days. I have some stomach issues that the soonest I can be seen for is October 31st. That is an improvement over my initial appointment which was in March 2025. We don't have enough providers in this state and it's getting worse. But you would never know it if you look at all the money being spent on hospital construction. It's great to have new, state of the art facilities--but who is going to staff them? It's a mess.

My day:

It's after two in the afternoon and I am still in my pajamas. So far all I've done today eat something to take my meds, load the dishwater, clean up a bit, read a bit (Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro-Memoirs by Beth Ann Fennelly), watch youtube videos (I finished the second/last season of The Bureau of Magical Things and now I'm alternating between the latest Phil Wang stand-up special and a documentary about Joan Didion) and write this. Maybe I'll sew something. That always feels productive. 

I have one more quilt top to add borders to. (What's stopping me? It needs to be ironed first and my ironing board is piled with crap that needs to be put away.) I could start something new, but what? Another quilt? Notebook covers? Potholders? I've been meaning to sew pajamas for Dave and Grace but that also requires my iron as well as room to lay out the fabric and pattern and like my ironing board, my cutting table is piled with crap that needs to be put away. (I guess that means I should do something other than a new sewing project. 


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