Sunday, January 22, 2017

Gone Protesting

Of course you know where I was this past Saturday.
This was one of my favorite signs from the Women's March on Saturday.

I don't know who fucking cares about Hillary Clinton's emails now that Trump and Republicans are repealing the Affordable Care Act with no plan to replace it, which is akin to committing premeditated murder. People will suffer and die without insurance and so long as the rich get their tax breaks and the uneducated masses keep voting for them, the GOP doesn't care.

Fucking morons.

Twitter is filled with idiots who say things like: "Calm down! Trump is not repealing the ACA, he's repealing Obamacare!!!"

So we march to, among other things, try to protect Trump voters from their own stupidity.

Dave and I went with our friends, Chris and LuAnn, and we were joined by two other of LuAnn's friends--and about 10,000 other people, a respectable turnout for our small burg.

After, we had lunch together--Thai food--and then I came home and slept. 

Sunday? Sunday we had to scoot around town running errands in preparation for my first day of school, which is tomorrow. Early.



Helen said...

Good luck tomorrow with school. I'm sure you'll be fine!

Yay for marching. Sadly there was nowhere to march up where I live, although some friends did march in Tokyo. I've been watching parts of the march on Facebook though.

Have a good week!

Rosa said...

Hi Helen!

Thanks! I'm looking forward to school--but not to the 40 minute commute I have to make 4 days a week. Ugh!

I'm glad you (and the world, I guess) were and are aware that there was a women's march. Solidarity is important right now when Trump and his ilk are trying to divide and conquer. Things are very disheartening in the US, so it was nice to see so many women (and men) come together to resist this.

Hope you're doing well! :D

Carol said...

And now "Alternative facts"
I'm still high from the march, and still processing everything.
love to you, Rosa.

Rosa said...

Hi Carol! You did good, sister!! I can't believe the adventure you had. WOW.

Much love!