Friday, November 13, 2009

News Things

1. Kazu, the guy I dated slash was in love with way back when, sent me an email to say that he had gotten married. I am happy for him and sad for me and I consoled myself with a mini-retail therapy session at Target which yielded a handful of new eye shadows, gloss, and powders. (I headed off the Urban Decay online splurge in which I was prepared to spend sixty dollars on three items. But: Free Shipping! And: 30% Off Sale!)


2. LuAnn and Chris, who went to Canada to get married earlier this year, came out for dinner. ("Came out," get it?) Mike also came--along. As did Dave. We went to Powdrell's and I ate BBQ'd ribs and mac and cheese and shared Dave's sweet potato pie a la mode.

LuAnn, a year or more ago, at Saigon.

Mike, a month or more ago, at a wedding.

(You know what Dave looks like and I don't have a picture of Chris.)

3. It's raining today so I can't do laundry. It threatened rain yesterday, so I didn't do laundry. Laundry must be done.

4. There is a fly in the Casita and this fly is very bothersome, but I think he must be lonely, too, because all his fly friends are outside. I can't kill him because I feel sorry for him, but I don't want to play with him and I don't want to be his friend and I don't want him landing on my bare leg either. Damn fly.

5. I was telling Judi about how I used to prop magazines up against my goldfishes' tank so that they would have something to look at and not be bored. Every few days, I'd turn the page so they could see different articles and pictures. She said, "How old were you when you did that?" And I said, "About thirty." And she laughed.



Anonymous said...

haha Rosa.. my husbands name is Kazu.. isn't that funny? lol I was waiting for you to update then I see I missed three of your posts.

Rosa said...

Hi, Girl J! It is funny! I actually really like the name Kazu. It's pretty unique for Japanese men (they all seem to be named Hiro).

I've been lazy about blogging these days, but I've been reading your blog. Your Christmas is going to be out of this world, I think!