Monday, February 22, 2010

Smile & The World

This is a carved piece of greenware that's been sitting around my studio space waiting to be bisqued. I did actually run a bisque firing of mostly my own stuff on Saturday, but this was too big to make it in. Oh, well. I'm actually going to be patient for once.

The image is very unusual for me; it was inspired by an online find, a French woman who makes her living selling stuffed plush toys and the like. One of her snaggletoothed creatures prompted this.

And Another Thing...

Dave left town this morning and is now somewhere in the midwest, drinking beer probably and cavorting with other middle-aged white males in office camo. I packed his suitcase for him, since he always freaks out when he has to pack. Then I got up after three hours of sleep and I drove him to the airport at five-thirty in the morning.

I had lunch with my aunt Char today. We went and ate fried chicken (actually we split a fried chicken special and a smoked chicken special). I have been craving craving craving fried chicken recently but haven't had any in part because I live with a vegetarian, so it was nice to go out and eat like a carnivore.

I have a list of things to do while Dave is out of town. So that means of course that today I did nothing. I was dog tired after three hours of sleep, so I lay in bed and read and watched episodes of Deadliest Catch and I tried and failed to nap. I didn't even make it to the studio despite the fact that I have a million catrillion things to do there.  I should have gone (I could still go), but I'll go tomorrow.  Tonight maybe I'll clean the bathroom.



Heather said...

Thanks for visiting me. I an so glad to return the favour! I love your ceramic work - flaming hearts are a favourite of mine - I have some tin ones on my wall.

Rosa said...

Thanks, Heather! Found you while jumping about on blogger and was amazed at your textiles.