Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Short Conversation With Myself

Hi, Rosa!


What's going on?

Not much. I'm just laying here in bed with the laptop on my tummy, thinking about watching a couple of episodes of Party Down on Netflix.

Oh, yeah?


What did you do today?

Today I had the mother of all shopping days. I got up, took Dave to work and went to Target. We needed trash bags, aluminum foil, and wax paper, so I bought those. And some pretzel m&m's, and lip gloss and shoes and a shirt for me. I bought some eye drops and nasal saline for Dave.

After Target, I went to Whole Foods and spent a small fortune. You want to know what the most expensive thing I bought was?


Cherries. Seriously. I spent, like, fourteen dollars on three pounds of cherries. Ridiculous. The next most expensive thing was olives. I love olives. I bought three kinds.

I came home and dropped off the groceries then I went back out shopping.

What else did you get?

I can't really say because I was shopping for Dave's birthday presents. But I will say that I went to three different stores to shop.  I was such a good shopping elf that I rewarded myself with a trip to the Ceramic King.

What'd you get?

I got some carving tools.

More carving tools?

Yeah, for small carvings. And I got some green-tinted wax resist because its easier to work with than the clear wax resist at the studio. What else did I get? Carving tools...wax resist...Oh, and a brayer.

What's a brayer?

It's just a roller, like print makers use to spread ink. I think brayer might be a printer's word, so I guess you could just say that I bought a roller.

I was going to buy a bead tree, but they were $33 bucks for the big ones. That's a lot of bucks for something that I can make myself. But anyway, I'll probably go back and get it, because I need one and making them is boring so I know I'll never do it.

Before you ask, a bead tree is a kind of device used to fire beads so they don't get stuck together.

You should just buy one.

I know. I'll probably go back and get it this weekend.

What else did you do today?

I came home, wrapped presents and jumped in the shower. Then I did the dishes and took a quick nap. Then I picked up Dave and we went to Costco for some fruits and veggies. Then I went to the studio where I glazed and cleaned and rolled out some blanks for carving.

Did you use your brayer?

No. I didn't want to get it dirty.


Mr. Putty said...

You should probably just buy the bead tree ;-)

Rosa said...

That's what The Brain said, too! :-)