Monday, February 6, 2017


If it's not one thing...

Saba is still recovering from surgery and doing fairly well, considering. Although last night around 10:45, Dave had to rush her to the hospital because she vomited up the end of her feeding tube. (The tube inserts on the side of her neck and runs down to the opening to her stomach. Last night, she threw up the end of it that runs down to her stomach, and, as we were trying to reach the hospital by phone to find out if we could just shove it back in or what, she chewed off the end that was hanging out of her mouth. So of course then she had to go to the hospital, get sedated, and have a new tube put in.)

The fun never stops for her, poor thing.

I stayed home and cleaned up vomit and the chewed up feeding tube. I probably should have gone with Dave to the hospital, even if only as moral support, but  I still had more studying to do. I ended up finishing what I had to do and then waiting until they got home from the hospital around 1:00 a.m. I fell asleep soon after. Dave stayed up with Saba since she was pretty woozy. The sedative they use--the same stuff that killed Michael Jackson--makes her hyper and loopy and physically discombobulated at the same time and he was worried that she would hurt herself trying to jump up on something. Anyway, I got a few hours of sleep and Dave got very, very little sleep. Maybe an hour or ninety minutes.

I got up, forewent a morning shower in favor of having breakfast, ironed a dirty pair of scrubs to wear to my exam (I didn't do laundry yesterday so I picked out the cleanest pair of scrubs from the hamper to wear), and went off to take the exam. (Yes, we have to be fully uniformed to take the exam.) Dave started in on the caffeine and sat down to work from home.

I have an 80 minute round-trip drive and the 50 point exam took me thirty minutes, so you can imagine my feeling about that little scenario. Really, my worry is driving that distance when I'm so tired. It's just not safe.

About the exam: I'm not sure if I've said that the program I'm in kicks out anyone with a final score less than 77%, but there it is. They actually, last semester, did kick out some poor woman who scored a 76.9%. I'm normally a straight-A student, but my new way of thinking about this is: Any score above 77% is an A. Anything below that is an F.  Keeps me from making myself too crazy about this.

Saba is snoring away next to me right now, zonked on what's left in her system of the anesthesia from her eye operation, the sedatives from her procedure last night, and the pain killers (a reduced dose, because, come on) that we're giving her for the post-surgical pain.

It's Monday.

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