Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday? Wednesday?


I am not sleeping well. I was up late working on a new bag for myself and got it almost entirely finished except that I don't have the hardware to put a magnetic clasp on it and so I could not sew it completely together. (The clasp has to be installed between the lining and the outer part of the bag. But it is otherwise all finished. I used a dotted red and brown fabric that I like very much. (I forgot to put a back open pocket on it though, sigh.) After finishing that, I did get a couple of hours of sleep but I was up again around 3:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.

I watched quilting videos instead. In the morning, I took my brother to pick up his grocery order and we stopped for drinks after. Then I managed a short nap. I keep having very strange dreams. (Par for the course for this time of month.)

In the afternoon, we had to go pick up our little car from the mechanic. It had a bunch of little stuff that needed to be done to it. The one nice thing about it was that one of the mechanics informed us that diesel cars are now exempt from having to pass emission inspections, so we won't have to get that done before we register it. (Our registration expired in March, I think, and neither of us realized it until Kelly pointed it out to us!)

Speaking of Kelly: She brought over a vase of sunflowers and trumpet vine for us to enjoy. I love sunflowers. It was enough to make us forget that it's autumn and that there was rain today and it was chilly enough that we had to break out our hoodies.  Winter will be here soon enough.

I had therapy in the early evening. Doing the work.

Dave and I met up briefly--he had a guitar lesson at the same time I was in therapy--but then he was off again to have dinner with his family. I had an egg sannie and a cup of broth with tofu and spinach (I have no miso) for my dinner. I read some from a new book I received earlier in the day, Papa Married A Mormon by John D. Fitzgerald. It's a really lovely book.

(It's Wednesday morning now.)

Dave was home around 9:30, which was unfortunate because he had to be up at 3:00 a.m. (I'll share why, maybe tomorrow).

I got a bit of sleep between 10:30 and 1:00 a.m. or so. but now can't get back to sleep. It's six a.m. Maybe I'll just have coffee and try to stay up.

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