Wednesday, January 9, 2019

AQU--Another Quick Update

I meant to update more regularly, but the days just slide by. For example, it's already Wednesday and the second week of the new year and I don't know how that happened. But it has.

Some of that time has been spent not sleeping and also playing a horrible game on my phone that is awful and addictive. I downloaded it three days ago and I am about 138 levels in. I have no idea how deep this particular rabbit hole goes, but just know that, when it was all the rage, I made it all the way through the entirety of Angry Birds in something like five days. The Brain loves mindless, consequence-less challenges.

We lived through some snow here in the last week or so. The dregs of it still cling to the shadowy parts of the yard. It was too cold for the likes of me, so I spent much of the time in bed, buried under blankets, watching Netflix. I'm re-watching the run of The Dick Van Dyke Show, which I love. I also watched about half a dozen movies and all the episodes of Marie Kondo's Netflix show about how tidying will change your life.

What I did not do was study for my upcoming exams, which I have been expertly putting off for some time now.

In other news, I stopped eating sugar sometime in December, which has been strange and harrowing. My blood sugar is sometimes harder to control now that I am not continuously ingesting small (and large) amounts of sugary foods all day. I've had a couple of crashes that I got through with non-sugary carbs, although yesterday I had a crash that I had to have a couple of pieces of candy to get through, the only sugar I've had since December 20th. (Yes, I went through Christmas not eating sugar of any kind.) Aside from these few low-blood sugar wobbles (which I'm convinced are also related to monthly hormonal shifts), I've been remarkably even-keeled without sugar. And my teeth feel a whole lot better. So I guess what I'm saying is that there are good and bad things about this whole experiment.

What else?

I made no new year's resolutions this year. The new year kind of just slid right by me, which is fine. Of course there are plenty of changes I'd like to make in my life, but I did not put them in resolution form.

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