Sunday, May 12, 2019

Travel Day

I'm going to try blogging on my phone again.  Prepare for non sequiturs and typos galore.

Here's a run of facts:

I got to bed around 10:30, got up just before midnight, got back to sleep around 1:30.

My alarm woke me up at 3:00 a.m.

I'm sitting in the Denver airport. I don't particularly like this airport.

Dave has gone in search of coffee. We're both exhausted.

My vertigo is still with me.  Better but this day is not helping.

I did not have a panic attack on the plane this time.

Last time I flew with Dave, I had a massive panic attack after we boarded. The Brain was telling me that I had to get off the plane because we were going to die on that plane.  I went into the bathroom and tried to rationalize myself out of the thicket of panic. It worked about as well as you might imagine.  (Not at all.)

I am wearing compression stockings.

It's raining in New York City.

Yesterday I had to go buy a raincoat.  Living in the desert makes such things largely unnecessary.

I didn't purchase my first umbrella until I was 27. I bought it in Sydney, Australia.  It started raining and I had to think about where to buy an umbrella.  Where does one find such things? A drugstore?

The next umbrella I bought was in Tokyo.

Dave is back with a tea for him and a diet Pepsi for me.

We're on the plane now.  The flight is full. Some jackass made a fuss that his bag couldn't go over his seat. Please don't ever let me be that person.

They're starting announcements. I'm not as panicky today. That's good, right?

The pilot is telling us we'll be taxi-ing for 15 minutes. Then it's 3 hours and 30 minutes in the air.  I can survive that.

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