Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Post-Memorial Day Week

We're just coming off a long weekend. We missed Mother's Day while we were in NYC, so we made it up a bit this past weekend. On Saturday, Dave had lunch and went to a concert with his mom. On Sunday, Dave and I had lunch with my mother and aunt. So that was fun.

The beginning of this short week, The Brain and I are ramping up to get more productive. This morning, I completed an online job application and uploaded a resume and applied for 4 jobs, two clinic jobs, two psych jobs. We'll see if I hear anything back.

This morning, I went to PT and worked on my shoulder. (Then I came home and had a nap because I had only gotten four hours of sleep last night.) I rescheduled my usual therapy appointment in favor of a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. When I got home, I called to straighten out a hospital billing problem that stems from the hospital visit I had in February.  That took care of most of my to-do list--except for exercise.


But it was on the to-do list, so I did it.

I just got finished with a 20 minute online workout. (Dave is at his guitar lesson, so I could jump around and make noise without disturbing his work day.) So now I'm hot and sweaty.

This is Gray Kitty's take on the afternoon:
He relocated to that comfy spot on the unmade bed because the sunbeam he was napping in got too hot for him. In my next life, I'm coming back as a pampered kitty. (Which might actually be a step down from this life, to be honest.)

I'm going to start dinner in a bit, I think, or maybe I'll sew. I'm making Gray Kitty a kitty sized quilt and I need to add borders to it and quilt it. (Cat people are crazy, I'll be the first to admit. You'll laugh at kitty quilts, but I got the idea from a woman online who began making and selling them to pay a vet bill for her beloved and very sick cat. She continued making them to sell to donate the proceeds to charity, and she's made and sold something like 400 quilts for kitties. They're quick to make, being only about 24 inches square.)
This is a snippet of the current kitty quilt in the works, a kind of modified four patch in mostly pink tones (gray goes well with pink). I took this photo because I was checking to see how the blue and olive polka dot Tula Pink fabric would look as a border. I like the chaotic nature of this thing, so I may go with it.

I've actually been sewing a bit (besides kitty quilts). Since last week, I made three pillowcases and a kitty quilt (not the one I'm working on, but another). I made myself a couple of headbands, if only to convince myself that I look terrible in headbands, no matter the color or size.

I still need to make myself a new sleep mask and possibly a new face mask (which I sometimes wear when I sleep to keep my sinuses from drying out too much)

I've been reading. I finished an enormous biographical work about Laura Ingalls Wilder called Prairie Fires. Then I started a young adult novel by Judy Blume called Just as Long as We're Together. (I have a love-hate relationship with Judy Blume, mostly hate, but every once in a while, I think I should read something by her. The last time I did, I was probably 14 or 15 years old, so...it's been two decades. I can give her another chance. I started one of her adult novels, but those are trash and poorly written. Her YA novels are largely trash, but the writing is somewhat better and they're quick reads.) I also, just today, received a copy of Gore Vidal's autobiography Palimpsest. I've never read anything by him before and I've only read a page and a half of this so far and it's clear that he knew the way around a sentence and probably also how to artfully twist knives in people's backs.

We'll see.

Oh! And while I was uploading those photos, I found this one on my phone! 
The ladybug babies are here! The ladybug babies are here! I love these little creatures. This one was sitting by our front door, sent to greet us when we arrived home from NYC last weekend.

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