Thursday, May 30, 2019

Secret Squirrel Stuff

I know, you're dying to see how the kitty quilt turned out. Well, here it is, after being washed and line dried.
As I'm sure everyone's aware, that crinkly texture is much prized among quilters. The prevailing view is that the greater the crinkle, the cozier the quilt. (Also, it's related to the 3% - 4% shrinkage of the batting that happens when you wash batting and since no one wants to pre-wash batting before using it, it's easier just to decide that the crinkliness from washing the quilt made using un-pre-washed batting is a desirable quality.) So there you go. (This will crinkle more dramatically once it's washed again and put in a dryer.) 

This is the fabric I chose for the backing, a Kaffe Fassett print of pink polka dots on a burnt orange background. (This stuff has been in my stash, as quilter say, for about two years now.)

This is the entirety of the quilt, laid out on the bed:
This is a squirrel from a painting at the American Folk Art Museum in NYC. You'd think, looking at this squirrel that maybe the painter had never seen an actual squirrel and was painting from eye-witness accounts.
Apparently, squirrels were popular to include in paintings at one time because they represented some kind of industriousness.

I slept in today and slept and slept and slept and never seemed to wake up at all. My allergies are making me feel like I'm moving through molasses. When I finally got up, I felt strange for a long time, the result of being caught at the crossroads of allergies and monthly hormonal shenanigans. (Hot flashes are new and strange to me, but not distressing, at least not yet.)

While I was making coffee before taking a shower, I happened to glance over at Dave's computer monitor and saw the view that he and his co-worker share of one another while they are on a video call. I had to laugh.  Both of them have their cameras in one of those angles that make everyone look like Shrek, triple-chinned titans of industry. I wanted to tell them that youtube beauty vloggers perch their cameras practically on the ceiling for a reason. Looking upward magically melts away wrinkles, extra chins, everything. It must be nice to be completely without vanity. (Yes, I know better.)

After my shower, I remembered that I needed to order some new hair gel from Amazon. (I have to get it there because no one in town carried fragrance-free hair gel.) So I got online and spent, like, $30 on fragrance-free hair care products. I am not completely without vanity.

In the afternoon, I watched Destination Wedding with Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder. I wanted to like it a lot, but it was only okay.

When Dave came home from his afternoon appointment, we went to dinner (Greek) and then to Costco.

At home, the exercise bike--twenty minutes each, then pajamas.

Now bed.


Helen said...

I love your quilt! It's so colourful. I hope Grey Kitty likes it too.

That is one weird, scary looking squirrel. It's a bit like all of the "lions" in statues in Japan. They'd never actually seen one and it shows!

I envy you Greek food. Living in a small city we don't get anything like that :-(

Have a good weekend!

Rosa said...

Hi Helen!

Gray Kitty does seem to like having his own bedding. Plus they're fun to make.

I don't think I ever saw a Greek restaurant in Tokyo so I can't imagine smaller cities having one. I wonder if the Japanese would take to Greek food, especially since it's not trendy like French or Italian. Does F like it?

Hope you're enjoying spring. Summer and miserably hot weather are just around the corner!

Have a great weekend!