Monday, July 27, 2020

These Days

Monday Night/Tuesday Morning

I'm back at work tonight. It's my Friday. A couple of people have gone home sick, not with Covid, thankfully, but sick nonetheless and now I'm not feeling great. Hopefully it's nothing. But why people keep coming in to work, especially when they feel sick is completely beyond me. I'm so disgusted with most people these days. I risk coming to work when I'm healthy only to be put at greater risk because people come to work sick.

It's a quiet night, thankfully. Most of my coworkers think that saying that it's a quiet night is bad luck, but I don't. I don't care about that at all. If it's a quiet night, then it's a quiet night. I'm thankful for quiet nights.

And I don't know beyond that what to be thankful for. I'm thankful to be here, I guess.

I don't know.

I slept all day, which doesn't make for a very exciting blog entry. I got home yesterday morning and I changed out of my scrubs on the patio and I put my dirty lunch dishes in the sink with soapy water. I took a shower. I had a sandwich. I took some melatonin and I went to sleep by about 9 a.m. I got up periodically throughout the day, and each time I had a bit more melatonin. In the afternoon, I got up around 2:00 and had half an apple and a couple of tablespoons of sunflower butter along with my melatonin. Then I went back to sleep. I got up at 5:05 in the afternoon and I got up and had yogurt for breakfast and I took a shower and I got into my scrubs and I packed up my backpack and I came to work. That's how it goes when there's a run of twelve hour shifts.

That is my life these days.

I reach for things to be grateful for. There is plenty, but I forget. I struggle with worry and fear.

Friday Afternoon

Sunday Night/Monday Morning

I'm at work right now. It's been a night. I walked in to see a nurse and a tech yelling at each other in the foyer of the cottage. That was how my night started. It went downhill for awhile and then everyone went to bed and it's been calm since then. Knock wood.

It's my Monday after a run of four days off.

I got a lot done on my days off. I sewed a bunch of masks and I cleaned off my desk and relocated my textbooks from school. (I graduated over two years ago. I think it was time.) I cleaned off my sewing table and swept up two cats worth of cat hair from the floor around the desk and table.)

Speaking of cats, Gray Kitty has been on medicine because he had giardia. Poor thing. I think he's had it for awhile, but we didn't catch it until he started feeling awful and we took him to the vet for tests. Dave got the pleasure of giving him a three mL syringe of bubblegum flavored medication for five days in a row. It was not pleasant for either of them.

Dave has also been battling a pinched nerve in his shoulder, so that's been fun.

Getting old sucks.

I have another almost four hours of my shift and then I'll go home and try to get some sleep. Do it all over again tomorrow.

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