Thursday, April 22, 2021

Did Someone Say DONUT?

 Monday, Dave and I went on an outing to the local large Asian market. We had tried to go to Costco but it was too crowded for me to feel comfortable going in, so we decided to try the Asian market. There were only about ten cars in the huge parking lot, so we went in and got some things, including some seaweed and ingredients for sesame dressing so that I could try making seaweed salad. We also came home with chili oil, wrappers for salad rolls, kampyo (a kind of dried gourd that is common in Japanese cooking), Korean chile flakes, gochujang, a small bottle of sake to use in cooking, and a few other things.

Tuesday, Dave and I went on an outing to the museum to see the Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Mexican Modernist exhibits. It was too crowded and uncomfortable, but the exhibit closes on May 2, so we had to see it before then. The paintings were wonderful, but what I really loved were her drawings and sketches done in pencil on paper. I like seeing the early doings of an artist's mind at work.There was also an exhibit of the works of Posada, but by the time we got done with the Mexican modernists, I was too overwhelmed to see it so we decided to go back another time.

Wednesday, Dave and I went on an outing to Costco. We tried the larger Costco again, but it was too crowded. I couldn't. So instead we went to the smaller Costco on the other side of the city and the parking lot was okay, so we braved it. We had to stop by the service desk first and renew our membership which expired in February. We also had a couple of checks from them which I thought might have expired, but the guy behind the counter said they never expire, so that was good. Renewing our "executive" membership only cost $16 after the checks were applied to the fee. Of course, we ended up spending a Costco amount of money on lots of things, including way too much cheese.

Today I'm trying to convince Dave that our outing should be to get donuts. Krispy Kreme is giving away a free donut if you show them a completed vaccination card. I could probably eat about two bites of a donut, but I have been craving one after a couple of months of mostly healthy eating. Krispy Kreme is not my favorite donut place, but they have decent enough donuts and I'm not going to be too picky.

Ha! I just convinced Dave to go out for a donut! 

Update: We just got back with donuts, a locally-owned place. I got two, a double chocolate cake and an old-fashioned cake. Dave got a blueberry fritter and a half-dozen plus assorted donut holes. At home, we made drinks (decaf coffee for me and tea for Dave). I cut my donuts into quarters and put a quarter of each on a plate to have now and then I put the rest in the freezer, at the very back of the freezer behind a bunch of stuff, where I won't see them every time I open the freezer! These are some very tasty donuts.


Helen said...

I envy you on the doughnuts! Our Mister Donut closed a few years ago and the nearest one is in the big mall 20 minutes away, so we don't go too often.

We've been avoiding Costco as the city it is in is having a surge. However, my city now has a surge among high school students, so that is a bit scary. I'm really jonesing for my sliced Havarti though. What to do?! I know...Stay local.

Rosa said...

Hi Helen!

I think we drove at least 20 minutes for the donuts we bought! But since we only get donuts less than once a year, it was worth it. We do live near a Dunkin Donuts, but they're pretty meh!

I only had Mister Donut once in Tokyo, with one of my coworkers after a night of drinking. I looked at the size of my donut and thought, "WHERE'S MY DONUT??" lol American donuts look like tractor tires in comparison to Japanese donuts.

Definitely avoid Costco for now! All those students take the virus home to their families and that won't be good! Many high schoolers here seemed to come through Covid infection fine but are now dealing with long-term consequences including heart and lung damage. Who knows how that will end.

Stay safe!