Monday, April 5, 2021


 It's been a few days since I posted. 

Friday night had to call an ambulance after blurry vision in my left eye and nearly passing out. EMT suggested not going to hospital but to urgent care/ER so Dave took me there instead. The doc there found nothing. I don't know whether to be thankful or more worried.

This is spring and in spring shit like this often happens and I hate it. 

When Dave and I got home from the UC/ER at about three in the morning, I took a shower and ate something and went to bed. Slept on and off throughout the next day. Now my sleep schedule is turned all around again.

This morning, I need to call the doctor for an appointment and to call a physical therapy place to see about getting that done since I think I pinched a nerve in my neck. (It gets better and better, doesn't it?)

I feel just broken and fragile right now. I don't want to leave the house. I just want to stay in bed.

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