Saturday, May 21, 2022

More Fun

 The fun continues:

Day before yesterday I was in the shower when a large black widow spider dropped down onto me. I just happened to be turned the right way and saw her coming down so I jumped out of the shower. (Our shower is about the size of a very small phone booth. There's not room for two of us in there, even if one of us is a black widow spider.) Of course I was soaped up and had conditioner in my hair. I splashed water on her until she retreated to the far corner of the shower and then I finished rinsing off while keeping an eye on her. 

When Dave got home, he trapped her in a yogurt container and put her outside. 

Yesterday our plumbing backed up.

I'm sure those two things aren't related. 

I'm at Judi's now. We've planned lunch with my mother and brother up here since we can sit outdoors on the patio. It's a nice day so far and we ordered takeout (pizza and salad) to pick up before lunch.


Kelly said...

Are black window spiders venomous? Hope you enjoy your time outside in the sun and fresh air :)

Rosa said...

Yes, very venomous! It probably wouldn't kill me to get bit, but it would make me very sick.

Hope you are feeling better after your bout of Covid. Stay safe out there!