Monday, August 21, 2023

Days Go By

The power went out tonight. My phone was across the house along with the flashlight I used to use when I worked nights at the hospital. Dave had his phone and used the flashlight on it to help me get my phone and flashlight. I went outside for the lantern that we used to use on the table out there. The battery was dead on it though and we couldn't figure out how to access the battery compartment to change them. I put a new battery in my flashlight.

I reported the outage to the power company on my phone.

We brought out one of our large emergency batteries into the living room and plugged a lamp into it. The large batteries have to be completely drained and recharged once a year. No time like the present. Dave got his book and I got a book. Gray Kitty joined us. Chance wandered out to see what was going on then went back into the office and went back to sleep. 

We sat in the living room and chatted for a bit. I got a couple of small dishes and put chocolate chips in them to have as a treat. Dave read and I looked at things on my phone. 

Eventually the power came back on and it was back to business as usual. I put away the bag of chocolate chips and started the dishwasher. Dave went to bed and I got back on my computer. (I don't need to say that I'm not sleeping well, do I?)

Earlier in the day, I went to the clinic to see the nurse practitioner who is my primary care provider. She gave me a referral for pulmonary rehab. We came home via Starbucks where I ordered my usual iced decaf soy latte.

We had sopa seca for dinner, the first pasta we've had in two months (since I started on this diet). I had a lot of points left over for the day, so even with a good helping of pasta, I was still within my daily goal.

Here's something: 


1. I am grateful for electricity. How dark and silent the night seems without it.

2. I am grateful for chocolate chips. 

3. I am grateful for the wind that knocked out our electricity. We need more reminders of the power of nature.



Kentucky Lady said...

Not sure where you live, but will you receive any of the storm from California? If so stay safe.

Rosa said...

Hi Laura,

Thankfully we're nowhere near the Cali storms. We are getting winds though, lots of them. Hope you are also staying cool and dry where you are!