Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wild, Wild Life

 My sleep schedule is still completely flipped, despite my efforts to right it. But from my insomniac's vantage point, I can report that night before last, it rained steadily for several hours. Last night, the near-full moon shone into the windows at the back of the house so brightly that I didn't need to turn on any lights. I'm glad I get to experience these things, though I haven't always appreciated what comes with insomnia.

I sewed a bit in the night, completing a quilt top (My Grandmother's Non-Linear Garden Path) that I've been working on for the last four years or so. It started out as a hand stitching project, sewing together hexagons--"hexies"--in the slow hours when I was working nights at the hospital, but turns out it was more boring than doing actual work and it triggered the arthritis in my hands, so I stopped and eventually appliqued what I had done up to that point to a center square of deep purple fabric. Over the years, I've added improv pieced blocks and leftover/orphan quilt blocks all around until it's about the size now of a queen sized quilt. 

I also finished the second baby quilt (a few days ago) and I made seven new pillowcases. I wanted to start a new project, so I made a few experimental strip pieced nine patch blocks (thinking of an Irish Chain quilt), but instead I decided to focus on completing one of the many, many half-finished projects I have. (Quilters call them "unfinished objects" or UFOs.)

While I sew, I've been half-watching more on Netflix. I half-watched Serial Mom. (I like John Waters films.) I watched season 17 of Project Runway. (I was prepared to miss Tim when Christian took over mentoring the designers, but I actually like Christian a lot.) When that was finished, I started watching an Australian tween show called The Bureau of Magical Things (I think. It's good background noise. I like listening to Aussie accents.  I know that it drives some people crazy the way they sometimes make their sentences? Go up at the end like they're asking a question? But I like it. It makes them sound very friendly to my ears.)

I'm sitting at my sewing table as I write this and out my window, I can see a hummingbird coming round to investigate things on the courtyard. (Many of them have moved on, migrating back to their winter homes.) I can see a little lizard taking shelter in the partial shade of the birdbath pedestal. It's been windy and a bit rainy today (though it's mostly cleared up now), so the birds are quiet.

I paused there to send another donation to the Harris campaign.

It's almost one p.m. and I'm still in my pajamas. I got about an hour of sleep this morning before a spam call woke me up. I wasn't able to get back to sleep, so I finally got up, took my med and ate breakfast. I also had a cup of decaf coffee. (My stomach woes continue, but oddly coffee, even decaf, which many people with stomach issues are advised to avoid, does not bother my stomach so long as I limit it to one cup a day.) 

I'm so tired.

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